
imk Health Intelligence GmbH is a future-orientated company. Research into innovative ideas, methods and concepts is one of the cornerstones of the company.

The modern company headquarters offers our team an inspiring and modern environment and is therefore the ideal place for research and development at the highest level. As a result, imk has already proven itself in numerous projects as a competent, flexible and reliable research partner for public institutions and industrial partners at national and international level.

A large proportion of research and development is carried out as part of funded projects, which are supported by national and European funding organisations. We have summarised the current research and development activities for you.

Take Contact and we work together to develop and research pioneering technologies.

Overview Overall project: Development of a hand exoskeleton for use in the operating theatre Funding body:Sächsische Aufbaubank - Förderbank -...
Overview Development of a tabletop IVD device for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease in blood plasma and...