BiSOP - Development of a hand exoskeleton for use in the operating theatre
Overview Overall project: Development of a hand exoskeleton for use in the operating theatre Funding body:Sächsische Aufbaubank - Förderbank - SAB Funding code:7QNHNDVKS Duration:01.08.2024 - 31.07.2027 Project content The aim of the joint project is to create a support system to improve ergonomics in the operating theatre. In the form of a forearm exoskeleton, a system is being developed for everyday clinical use that is to be used in various surgical scenarios. In [...]
Development of a multi-diagnostic platform for the combined processing of extraction, immunoassay and real-time PCR
Overview Development of a tabletop IVD device for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease in blood plasma and an immuno-PCR method based on real-time PCR technology used for this purpose. Funding body:Sächsische Aufbaubank - Förderbank - SAB Funding code:100710308 Duration:01.10.2023 - 30.09.2026 Project content The aim of the joint project is to create an automation system for the processing of cell-free body fluids from the sample to the result. Further goals [...]